第三届民用直升机产业国际论坛 3rdCivil Helicopter Industry International Forum 2019年6月26日至27日中国,上海 June 26th 27th, 2019Shanghai, China 组委会Organizing Committee 指导单位 / Advised by 中国民航华东地区管理局 CAAC East China Administration 主办单位 / Hosted by 中国航空学会 Chinese Society of Aeronautics Astronautics 支持单位 / Supported by 华东通航服务中心 CAAC East China General Aviation Service Center 承办单位 / Organized by 上海民航龙华机场 LONGHUA AIRPORT GROUP COMPANY 中国直升机设计研究所 China Helicopter Design and Research Institute 中国航发湖南动力机械研究所 AECC Hunan Aviation Powerplant Research Institute 航空工业上海航空电器有限公司 AVIC Shanghai Aviation Electric Co., Ltd. 协办单位 / Co-organized by 上海广尧商务咨询有限公司 Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd. 【论坛背景】 直升机作为20世纪航空技术最独特的创新之一, 极大地扩大了飞机的应用范围。据中国航空工业发展研究中心预测,未来10年,中国民用直升机市场仍将保持较快的发展,机队规模年均增速将保持在13.8%的较高水平,到2027年机队规模预计将超过3500架;中国市场民用直升机需求量为2668架。如此巨大的市场需求将为中国民用直升机产业发展带来难得的历史机遇。 在此背景下,2019年6月26-27日将在上海举办第三届民用直升机产业国际论坛,届时论坛将汇聚200名来自政府机关,直升机运营商、制造商,海油业务服务商,警务机关,搜索救援组织,园区,融资供应商与直升机行业解决方案提供商等的专家领导,共同探讨直升机运营,直升机租赁多元化发展,互联网+直升机及人才培训等热点话题。 【Event Background】 As one of the most distinctive creations of aviation technology in the 20th century, helicopter has greatly expanded the application scope of aircraft. According to the China Aviation Industry Development Research Center, China's civilian helicopter market will continue to develop relatively fast in the next 10 years, the annual growth rate of the fleet will remain at a high level of 13.8%, the size of the fleet is expected to exceed 3500 by 2027, and the demand for civilian helicopters in the Chinese market will be 2668. Such a huge market demand will bring a rare historical opportunity for the development of China's civil helicopter industry. Under this background, 3rd Civil Helicopter Industry International Forum 2019(CHIIF 2019) will be held on June 26th -27th, in the city of Shanghai. CHIIF 2019 will bring together 200 delegates from Government Agencies, Helicopter Operators, Manufacturers, Sea Oil Business Service Providers, Police Agencies, Search and Rescue Organizations, Parks, Financing Suppliers and Helicopter Industry Solution Providers to discuss Helicopter Operations, Helicopter Leasing Diversified Development, Internet + Helicopters and Pilot Training and other hot topics. 【热点议题】 1. 民用直升机行业政策及未来发展走向 Civil Helicopter Industry Policy And Future Development Trend 加速民用直升机研制及适航性工作,维持直升机产业持续性发展 Accelerate The Development And Airworthiness Of Civilian Helicopters And Promote The Sustainable Development Of The Helicopter Industry 从通航角度看运输类适航规范的适用性 Applicability Of Transport Airworthiness Regulations From The Perspective Of General Aviation 民用直升机未来发展规划及政策环境 Civil Helicopter Future Development Planning And Policy Environment 优化直升机飞行人员培养及储备 Optimize Helicopter Flight Personnel Training And Reserve 如何促进中国直升机产业发展? How Does The Country Promote The Development Of The Helicopter Industry? 国产直升机创新突破及未来市场 Domestic Helicopter Innovation Breakthrough And Future Market 2019年中国民用直升机市场展望 China Civil Helicopter Market Report for 2019 2. 民用直升机关键系统的研制与发展 EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF KEY SYSTEMS FOR CIVIL HELICOPTERS 无尾桨直升机FCX-001利用电力驱动的排气系统克服旋翼的反扭矩,提高安全性 FCX-001 - Overcoming The Rotor's Counter Torque With An Electrically Driven Exhaust System For Increased Safety 民用直升机动力系统的发展与思考 Development And Thinking Of Civil Helicopter Power System 直升机近地告警技术在飞行安全中的应用 Application Of Helicopter Near-Earth Warning Technology In Flight Safety 国内民用直升机机电系统技术探讨 Discussion On Electromechanical System Technology Of Domestic Civil Helicopters 民用直升机低成本运营解决方案 Civil Helicopter Low-Cost Operation Solution 3. 直升机MRO市场分析 Helicopter MRO Market Analysis 改进直升机成本结构,将供应链合理化,并提升盈利能力 Improve Helicopter Cost Structure, Rationalize Supply Chain And Improve Profitability 多用途直升机日常维修保养 Multi-Purpose Helicopter Daily Maintenance 4. 直升机医疗救援及防火抗灾 Helicopter Medical Rescue And Fire Prevention 互联网环境下的直升机医疗救援发展 Helicopter Medical Rescue Development Under The Internet Environment 中国空中医疗救援培训事业的发展 The Development And Thinking Of China's Aviation Medical Rescue Industry 外国航空防灾模式对我国森林防灾防火救援体系建设的启示 The Enlightenment Of Foreign Aviation Disaster Prevention Model To The Construction Of Forest Disaster Prevention And Fire Rescue System In China 警用直升机未来机载配备需求分析 Demand Analysis Of Future Airborne Equipment For Police Helicopters 5. 关于民用直升机海油勘探及其他 Sea Oil Exploration And Others 海上作业的难点攻克及未来发展 Difficulties In Offshore Operations And Future Development 中国大型直升机的技术跨越 Domestic Large Helicopter Technology Leapfrog 直升机适航安全认证流程 Helicopter Airworthiness Safety Certification Process 国内多用途直升机运营中的市场前景 Market Prospects In The Operation Of Domestic Multi-Purpose Helicopters 城市空中交通解决方案自主飞行技术的突破 Urban Air Traffic Solution - Breakthrough In Autonomous Flight Technology 6. 民用直升机金融租赁 Civil Helicopter Finance And Leasing 直升机租赁业务在中国市场的的发展与挑战 The Development And Challenges Of The Helicopter Leasing Business In The Chinese Market中国直升机金融租赁行业发展趋势、投资预测及挑战 China Helicopter Financial Leasing Industry Development Trends, Investment Forecasts And Challenges 直升机应急救援服务体系的建立 Establishment Of Helicopter Emergency Rescue Service System 7. 互动讨论Interactive Discussion: 通用航空法规体系重构下民用直升机的发展面临的机遇与挑战 Opportunities And Challenges For The Development Of Civil Helicopters Under The Reconstruction Of The General Aviation Regulation System 同期举办第四届华东通用航空发展论坛 Held in conjunction with the 4th East China General Aviation Development Forum 2019年6月25日 June 25th 组委会Organizing Committee 指导单位 / Advised by 中国民航华东地区管理局 CAAC East China Administration 主办单位 / Hosted by 华东通航服务中心 CAAC East China General Aviation Service Center 支持单位 / Supported by 中国航空学会 Chinese Society of Aeronautics Astronautics 承办单位 / Organized by 上海民航龙华机场 LONGHUA AIRPORT GROUP COMPANY 中国直升机设计研究所 China Helicopter Design and Research Institute 中国航发湖南动力机械研究所 AECC Hunan Aviation Powerplant Research Institute 航空工业上海航空电器有限公司 AVIC Shanghai Aviation Electric Co., Ltd. 协办单位 / Co-organized by 上海广尧商务咨询有限公司 Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd. 议题Topics 1. 通用航空政策宣导解读 General Aviation Policy Analyse 2. 试点方式推动通用航空改革 Pilot Approach To Promote General Aviation Reform 3. 国内外先进通航企业发展经验分享 Experience Sharing In The Development Of Advanced Navigation Companies At Home And Abroad 4. 民航行业政府领导与参会嘉宾互动答疑 Summarize the content of the forum and answer the questions. 会务联系人Contact: 刘女士Sara LIU 电话Phone: +86 21 5155 9030 邮箱Email: marketing@galleon.cc 网站Web: http://www.galleon.cc/CHIIF2019/index.html