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发布日期:2019-06-05 来源:未知 下载此文章

3rd Civil Aircraft Operation Support Technology International Forum
2019年6月12日至13日  天津(中国民航大学)
June 12th - 13th, 2019  Tianjin (Civil Aviation University of China)

According to statistics, the investment of Asia-pacific airlines in aviation material inventory is 4 to 5 times higher than that of European and American airlines. The reasons are mainly attributed to relatively high spare parts guarantee requirements, more interior decoration renovation and refit, inefficient customs clearance, lack of aviation material sharing mechanism, geographical location farther from the original factory, large passenger aircraft with a higher proportion and other factors. Among them, the original factory (OEM) is the biggest beneficiary in the aviation material industry. In the future, OEM will gain more benefits in the aviation material field by continuously penetrating the after-sales market. Third-party service providers (MRO) and airlines are looking for more ways to avoid their interests being compressed.
组委会Organizing Committee
【主办单位 / Hosted by】
Shanghai Society of Aeronautics
Civil Aircraft Operation Support Technology Sub-committee of CSAA
 【支持单位 / Supported by】
Air China Limited
China Southern Airlines
Eastern Airlines Technic Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Airlines
China Aviation Supplies Holding Company (Inviting)
 【承办单位 / Organized by】
Civil Aviation University of China
COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd.
热点议题Hot Topics
1.     支持PMA零部件国产化发展,探讨民航维修行业发展对飞机系统可靠性、安全性的保障
2.     退役民机残值估算及市场分析
3.     航空复合材料的绿色发展
4.     形成航材产业链闭环 打造飞机“后处理中心”
5.     二手飞机引进的风险防范及控制
6.     航材智能供应链体系,跟进实时适航情况
7.     借助新技术手段建立保证飞机安全运营兼顾经济效益的更科学、更合理的航材保障和供应链管理体系
8.     新型航材需求预测体系建设
9.     机身维修-3D打印技术推广运用
10.   创新积压航材销售模式的探索
11.   小时维修的持续走向及适用于不同规模企业模式下的维修方案
12.   新飞机选型与初始备件采购管理思考
13.   大数据如何支持航材保障体系
14.   创新驱动技术:远程维护和可预防性的实际应用
15.   航空业的共享经济-库存共享
16.   智能服务技术在国产民用飞机运行支持中的应用现状与期望
17.   区块链技术对于缓解航材固有问题的可行度分析
18.   加强航材采购销售人员航材知识培训
19.    基于可靠性数据的航材备件需求预测方法
20.   降低成本与提升效益的数字化、只能化航材供应链解决方案
1.       Supporting The Localization Of PMA Components And Discussing The Development Of Civil Aviation Maintenance Industry To Guarantee The Reliability And Safety Of Civil Aircraft System
2.       Residual Value Estimation and Market Analysis of Retired Civil Aircraft
3.       Greening Development of Aviation Composite Supplies
4.       Forming a Closed Loop of Aviation Supplies Industrial Chain and Building an Aircraft "Reprocessing Center"
5.       Risk Prevention and Control of Second-hand Aircraft Introduction
6.       Aviation Material Intelligent Supply Chain System, Follow Up the Real-time Airworthiness
7.       Establishment Of A More Scientific And Reasonable Aviation Supplies Support And Supply Chain Management System To Ensure The Safe Operation Of Aircraft And Take Into Account Economic Benefits By Means Of New Technologies
8.       Construction of New Aviation Material Demand Forecasting System
9.       Fuselage Maintenance - Promotion and Application of 3D Printing Technology
10.    Innovative Exploration of Backlog Aviation Supplies‘ Sales Pattern
11.    The Continuous Trend of "RPFH Service" and the Maintenance Solutions Suitable for Different Scale Enterprises
12.    Thinking On New Aircraft Selection And Initial Spare Parts Procurement Management
13.    How Big Data Support Supplies' Guarantee System
14.    Innovation-Driven Technology: Practical Application Of Remote Maintenance And Preventability
15.    Sharing Economy in Aviation Industry - Pooling
16.    Application Status and Expectation of Intelligent Service Technology in Operation Support of Domestic Civil Aircraft
17.    Feasibility Analysis Of Blockchain Technology For Relieving Inherent Problems Of Aviation Supplies
18.    Strengthen Knowledge Training For the Aviation Supplies Purchase and Sales Personnel
19.    Prediction Method of Aviation Spare Parts Demand Based on Reliability Data
20.    Digital and Intelligent Aviation Material Supply Chain Solution for Cost Reduction and Benefit Improvement
刘女士Sara LIU
电话Phone: +86 0 21 5155.9030
邮箱Email: fhlt@comac.cc


下一篇:中国机场服务大会:坚守“主阵地” 打赢机场服务“主战役”

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